PRESENTly Planning

Over the past week or so I have been placed in the group to look at the current Hollins Market. My group members and I have decided that interviewing people and businesses in the area would be the best way to grasp an actual sense of the present. Our main goal in our planning right now is to wire down on our interview questions because we can't really move on without them. We have two different sections of questions with one being for residents and the other being for businesses. The questions we ask residents should give us a general sense of how people feel about the Hollins Market area whether it be fears, hopes, or even being happy with how the area currently is. In the Present Group we have also signed up for different things we'd like to do and different people we'd like to interview. Personally, I have come up with a set out interview questions that my group may or may not use and I have signed up to transcribe the interviews that we do. I look forward to working with my group members and seeing what is next for Team Present!


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