Planning the Next Stages...

When it comes to planning some activities or fun things to do for kids I have been working on creating a short coloring book of the Hollins Market area. Along with that I think it would be fun to have team building actives that children could participate in with their friends and/or family. These activities would provide the youth with something to take home with them and families the opportunity for photos and fun memories in the neighborhood. 

At this point, I am not sure what the actual focus of our project is to the point that I could come up with a name reflecting it. Although I am not very clever when it comes to things like this I liked the "Learning From Lexington" name and thank it would be cool to do something similar to it. I also think it would be fun if the name could convert to some type of hashtag that could be used on social media (ex. Learning From Lexington = #LFL). 


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